Guest: Tempeste O’Riley – How did you choose your setting and the occupations for your MCs?

Once upon a time, in a land far far away…. No, that’s not right. Well, it was what seems a long time ago now, I visited Seattle and fell in love with the area, the forest (I got to stay in the national forest there, in on of the cabin/park areas!), the city, everything. If I could move and stand it (I hate moving and moving as a single parent across the country… did that once, yeah, so not happenin’ again!) I would move to Seattle. So, when I decided I was writing a shifter story (series) or rather, Keith … Continued

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Guest: What Happened in Vegas with Jenn Burke

Charity information I’d like to spotlight the work of the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity. This organization promotes diversity in gender identity, gender expression, and romantic and/or sexual orientation in all its forms on a national level through services in the areas of education, health, and advocacy. You can learn more about the Centre’s programs at If you’ve enjoyed this story, consider making a donation.   Partners in Every Way by Jenn Burke Iskandar ached all over. All over. One giant ball of ow. Not the first time, probably wouldn’t be the last, but usually…usually he could remember what had … Continued

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Guest: Evie Collins – Fever of the Fox Book Blitz

Thanks for having me! My new book, Fever of the Fox, was an idea that sort of came to me through the characters. Growing up, I lived in an area that was essentially a melting pot of many different cultures, with friends from all sorts of different backgrounds. One on my closest grade-school friends was a Japanese-American girl whose house was like this amazing shrine to her parent’s homeland. I used to love going over there to play with her, especially outside in their beautiful garden. There was this cool little statue of a fox that I remember looking at … Continued

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